The LLCO Core Battle Dynamics (CBD for short) is the statistical chart used to estimate and measure an entity's (be it organic, robotic, or incorporeal) combat prowess. These charts have 2 purposes, to catalog fauna and flora for study to develop better science and to estimate danger when having an encounter with said fauna and flora (though it's crucial to read the addendum attached also, when researching the LLCO Bestiary). There are 7 categories that are used when measuring someone's or something's CBD, the importance of each varies only slightly. The categories are given a rating between 1 and 20, 1 being the weakest and 20 being the strongest. In addition, a rating of 21 to 40 are given to account for supernatural and otherworldly power, or to better describe, power that cannot be obtained through normal means and is unusual. A cross (†) will be posted next to the name to signify death or extinction, and a star (✯) next to a ratings number signifies information needed for context, which can be found in the notes of a LLCO Bestiary profile.
Resilience accounts for how much punishment an entity can take until it expires. This does not factor if an entity can/how it can heal itself over time or not, it only takes into account how much damage it could take until it needs to heal or it expires.
Comparability Chart | |
Earth Human | 5 |
Sleg Captain | 10 |
Pur-lin | 15 |
Tyrannosaurus Rex | 20 |
Acumen is the value used to measure intelligence in combat, combining intelligence and ability to learn. This factor determines whether an entity either repeats attacks over and over again or can stay three steps ahead and improvise it's environment.
Comparability Chart | |
Leaper | 5 |
Earth Human | 10 |
Flesh Eater Death Guard | 15 |
Mantid Queen | 20 |
This trait accounts for the brawn and sturdiness an entity projects at physically using force against a target. Feats such as lifting objects up to being able to crush something under it's own weight are counted in the Physical rating.
Comparability Chart | |
Earth Human | 5 |
Mummite | 10 |
Triceratops | 15 |
Tyrannosaurus Rex | 20 |
Accuracy is best described as the natural and trained abilities to measure distance from afar. This can supplement many techniques such as jumping or aiming down a sniper's sight.
Comparability Chart | |
Earth Human | 5 |
Blind One Guardian | 10 |
Ancient Warrior | 15 |
Primagen Bio-Bot | 20 |
Psyche combines psychic and magical abilities into one rating catagory. Supernatural in and of itself, this trait tends to be given to an individual entity rather than obtained. Nevertheless, there are methods of increasing this rating though the methods are rare and arcane.
Comparability Chart | |
Lord of the Dead | 5 |
Ancient High Priest | 10 |
Sleg Monk | 15 |
Sister of Despair | 20 |
This statistic focuses on how long an enemy can be active in combat before having to rest or passing out. Mechanical entities generally dominate in this rating, but they might rely on batteries to keep sub-systems active, thus charge time and duration are accounted for in this category.
Comparability Chart | |
Cave Worm | 5 |
Earth Human | 10 |
Utahraptor | 15 |
Campaigner Cyborg | 20 |
Sometimes more is better. When multiple entities of the same type are able to work together to achieve a goal or dispatch a target, the Grouping rating is increased based on how someone or something communicates with friends or allies.
Comparability Chart | |
Demon Lord | 5 |
Earth Human | 10 |
Giant Beetle | 15 |
Mantid Drone | 20 |
The last rating is known as Fortune because it accounts for how well events go for an entity. Be it spiritual blessing or divine intervention, Fortune cannot be calculated accurately through, say, a whole species, because it relies on individual experience. Therefore, CBD measurements estimate this factor by giving each entity type a base amount of 10, and only differs this factor for individualized profiles.